Yes! That's right we are gearing up to move into our new house. We have the movers scheduled for January 22 which is Barry's 30th Birthday! Happy Birthday Barry! I don't feel to bad because he has been planning a ski trip for some some time now and the deal is that he has to have us all moved in before he leaves the following week. I thought that would give me a chance to get the house all organized and have something to do while he is gone. SO, that means that these next couple of weeks are going to be a little crazy. I feel like I just did this. Oh well! I love to clean out so here goes!
The boys are doing great. They are super excited about adding ANOTHER brother to the mix. I can honestly say I am really excited about it! It's amazing the way the Lord prepares your heart. Leading up to my ultrasound I really thought I was having a girl. A few days before we went in the Lord gave me such sweet moments with my boys that made me realize how much I love my boys and another one would be just fine. I rest in the Lord knowing that he gives us exactly what we need and when we need it. Thank you Lord!